FJAS Delegation to AJAS, February 13- 17, 2019 Washington D.C.
The 2019 Delegates from the Florida Junior academy of Science were honored to meet Dr. Norine Noonan, FAS delegate to AAAS at Washington D.C during the annual meeting of the American Junior Academy of Science.
Ephraim Oyetunji, FJAS Scholar
Hemangi Rajpal, FJAS Scholar
Novel Drug-Based, Emergency Treatment for Ischemic and Hemorrhagic Strokes
Emily Pallack. FJAS Scholar
Vascularization of Tissue Scaffolds Using Stem Cells for Synthetic Organs
Samantha Jackson, FJAS Scholar
Testing the Effectiveness of Mebendazole on Pancreatic Cancer Cells
Rodrigo Castellon, FJAS Scholar
Deep Learning Control System Using an Air-Gapped Optical Input Stream
Ryan McKeever, FJAS Scholar
Analyzing the Ability of Plants to Act as Biopesticides Against Fungi
Nicholas DiStefano, FJAS Scholar
Improving Wound Healing by Reducing Nosocomial Infections
Valentina Ortega, FJAS Scholar
The cellular asthmatic effects of Pichia kudriavzevii on alveolar epithelial cells.
Eniya Krishnaraj, FJAS Scholar
The Effect of Hinokitiol and Lemna minor on Removal of Metals from Water
Rajat Ramesh, FJAS Scholar
The Genetic Engineering of Algae For Increased Efficacy as a Biofuel
USDA Agricultural Research Center, Beltsville MD
AJAS fellows were invited to visit the USDA facilities in Beltsville, MD where they spoke to scientists about their research and were taught about the work that the USDA does.
Firebirds at the Lincoln Memorial